Working in Quarantine

Hello everyone,

I hope you all doing good, as you all know I am working on my college work, I don't know why people are complaining about the quarantine, I am on top of college work.

I hope you are all doing good, try to stay positive, and enjoy life. Sometimes we take everything for granted.

I am currently working on the Sample and Mood boards for my FYP. So far I really enjoy this project, I can say that I did learn a lot of new things, well that's the whole project of Assignments, so one can learn, I don't know how to explain, it's like my mind has been sleeping or something, since the beginning of this project I knew that I want to do well, well I am trying anyway, I have been putting so much work in this project, I feel like this project is my baby 😃 It was really important for me to understand the problems and challenges in the nursing home, to see the good design, so I can do the same. There is no point looking at old designs, simply because you won't get inspired, I am still going back and doing a bit of research almost every day, go back look at my blogs, etc.

The only negative thing I would say about the whole quarantine is that sometimes I find myself struggling a bit with the college work, I am well aware that I can email my lecturers because they are all more than happy to help us, but it would be nice to talk to them in person, in one on one. It is so sad to think that we didn't get proper goodbyes to our beloved lecturers. I had the most amazing 3 years of my life, I made friends for life, I met the most amazing lecturers and I really hope I get to see them soon.

Meanwhile, I am working on college work, like I said before I have A LOT of work left to!

I hope you are all safe, wash hands, and don't go outside!
