Whole Building Design Guide

Hello everyone,

So I have been doing some research on the design guide for nursing homes. The residents of nursing homes require a calm, safe, secure, and therapeutic environment.  Most of the residents are frail and aged, often using walkers, wheelchairs or canes.

The homelike and therapeutic environment

It is really important that us designers create a safe place for the residents, such as if one loses the sigh, physical and mental disabilities.

For a good design, space is needed like home, rather than an institution, the size, with natural light is very important.

Create a warm space by using a variety of familiar, non-reflective finishes and cheerful, varied colors and textures, keeping in mind that some colors can disorient the residents.

Provide each resident a variety of space, including gardening, outside.

Promote traditional resident qualities of privacy, choice, control.

Provide higher lighting levels than typical for residential occupants.

Attention To Way-Finding

A consistent and well thought out system of way-finding helps to maintain the residents' dignity ad avoid their disorientation.
