Safer Better Healthcare

"The National Standards for Safer Better Healthcare has been designed so that they can be used in all healthcare services, settings and locations and so that a variety of healthcare service providers can use them to improve the quality and safety of the care they provide."

I came across this really interesting document that has some really good points. As you all know I am trying to gather as much information as I can for my FYP.

HIQA reviewed relevant national and international information on the area of standards in healthcare and we talked to experts from around the world.
They also set up an advisory group to help us write these standards. This group included:
 people who represent service users n service providers such as the Health Service Executive (HSE) and private hospitals
clinicians (for example, doctors)
 people responsible for training clinicians n people responsible for regulating healthcare professionals such as doctors and nurses

HSE and HIQA have a big saying when it comes to nursing homes. There is a lot of regulations and standards that I still need to do research on.
