My Personal Design Statment

Happy Friday!
I hope you all well during this difficult time. I know it's not easy to be locked up at home, but you all need to look at the positive side. Try doing something you love, spend time with your family, clean the house maybe?  😄😄
If you are in college, for example, try working on your assignments 😄

Today I am going to share with you my personal design statement I did for business enterprise. Now, this is only a draft so it's still in progress. 

The following is a design statement
I have always had a great interest in the field of Interior design. Interior design is my passion, I enjoy presenting my work for people and prove myself that I can do better each time.  Practise makes it perfect and the more you do it the better experience you achieve. I always push myself to do better, I learned quickly and always do my best. 
The vision I have for the future design is to use sustainable materials, ever since my lecturer Sue introduced me to the theory, I found it fascinating. The idea that any and all materials in the build can be made from recycled or reused material and help to remove waste from the planet is perhaps one of the greatest ideas that has ever entered the building industry. From that point on I know that all my future designs would center around this aspect so that my designs could make a difference in the world. The reason the idea of helping the environment resonated with me so strongly is that nature itself is my inspiration for my designs. The colors, shapes sound and even smells in some cases help me to visualize what I want in my final project. The smallest detail like the browning on the edge of leaving could inspire my mind to design a room for a building in a particular manner, or the largest detail could inspire the shape of a build such as a cloud pattern or arch on the branch of a tree. Having said that it was clear that for me to give back to my inspiration I would have to buy into the circular economy to protect my muse.
The design has been at the center of my life for the past 3 years but I have always enjoyed the art of design and the creation of an idea to a build, the design is the center of my life now and I want to better myself and make a real impact on the design world in the future.

I hope you enjoy it !
