Hempcrete Continue

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Building stage:

Depending on the climate, hempcrete takes about 2 and a half months to dry for 12-15% of its moisture content. The wall should be completely dried before applying lime render as this a cause of brown stains on the lime render from leaking through the hempcrete. When applying plaster on the interior of the lime/hemp wall building code for classing is 20-22mm. (Hemp Technologies Global, 2020)
Unlike cement, hempcrete does not require extension joints. Lime is a very adaptable material that can fix itself in a just few months, which means no extensions joins needed. In the new structures, lime may crack, but it will also reshape itself as of its crystalline form, where cement will crack when its brittles. (Hemp Technologies Global, 2020)
There are no specific requirements when producing hempcrete. It is pretty easy to install hempcrete roofs, walls, and floors, creating hempcrete material is more suited for non-experienced labour. Some companies such as Hemp Technologies offer primary training to anyone that buys hempcrete materials to get them to learn a couple of issues that may be caused by using hempcrete materials, like finishing, forming or mixing. (Hemp Technologies Global, 2020)
For casting hempcrete, the best working temperature is about 6 degrees Celsius, anything above 5 Celsius should be fine. Hempcrete can also be spray like Shotcrete, however, specific equipment is required that prices about 50,000 Euros. When comparing spray and casting, casting is a more preferred cost-effective method. The formwork can be moved after casting straight away, air circulation will start drying hempcrete within hours it’s been applied. (Hemp Technologies Global, 2020)
The image was accessed on 27/20/2020 from Google images, showing “Thermal mass” Hemp + Lime insulation.
Hemp and Lime can be used to repair existing houses. First drywall and exterior cladding need to be removed, then formed around the stud to cast hempcrete, after this re-clad with your choice of material such as brick or metal. (Hemp Technologies Global, 2020) There are no special conditions when it comes to framing. Hempcrete is non-mechanical, solid infill material, cast all over the steel frame or structural timber. (Hemp Technologies Global, 2020)
Before starting mixing hemp or Lime binder water needs to be added, mixed for approximately two minutes, then hemp is added and mixed for another one-two minutes until all the hurds are coated with a lime binder. (Hemp Technologies Global, 2020)
Hemp is more helpful in building compared to other materials because by using sustainable based materials for buildings is less damaging to humans. Toxic materials are causing many illnesses, where hempcrete is a non-toxic and breathable material that is made from natural materials. As well as this Hemp and Lime keeps the structural frame of the house, which will last longer than typical construction. (Hemp Technologies Global, 2020)
The image was accessed on 27/02/2020 from Google images showing using Hemp in Construction.
Studies have shown that Hemp and Lime have influenced more than 50% reduction in sick leave in Europe, where the usage in the construction of hempcrete has been used for around 30 years. (Urban Net, 2020) Hemp also helps to cut down on energy use, because hempcrete is a good quality insulator which means the additional mechanical cooling and heating are reduced. For example, in a traditional house, Hemp and Lime insulation lower to 1 ton per 1500 square feet, where it usually would have been used around 1-ton HVAC per 500 square feet. (Hemp Technologies Global, 2020)

Hempcrete is easy to alter if adjustments are needed, it can be easily dug out after six hours it has installed, even several years after hempcrete can be cut out with simple hand tools. However, it should be taken into a consideration about the fundamental consequences if any changes have been done. (American Lime Technology, 2020)
There are a couple of finishes suitable for hempcrete. External walls should have a protective cover on the exterior wall:
  • Stone or a brick in lime mortar.
  • Mathematical tiles.
  • Timber covering that has a ventilated air gap. (American Lime Technology, 2020)
Paint finishes for hempcrete interior walls are a lime wash, clay paint, and soft distemper. Finishes that have vapor resistance should not be used. Paints for the exterior wall are lime wash and Silicate mineral paint. 

 Hempcrete and Ireland:

Ireland’s 1st hemp-built passive house was built in County Longford by self-build James Byrne, the architect is Winkers Architecture. The house won the award for the best residential project in the 2012 Irish Green Awards. The house is heated with waste wood from the construction and contains a reed bed wastewater care system and collecting rainwater. (Passive house, 2020)
Hempcrete was chosen as the main material for this construction project. The hemp shiv was to put with the lime binder, then mixed with water and poured into timber-shuttering against the timber frame structure. This supports the structure and insulates the house.

To make sure that the Hemp system would work, James first built a garage, that is now being made into a home office. The interior and exterior of the house are finished with Baumit lime render. The monolithic wet-plastered system improved to provide airtightness in the house. James also specified that the high thermal mass of the hemp-lime is excellent to moderate the heat, absorb it and then release it out to the rooms. The roof is insulated with cellulose. James has a family of 7 so it was very important for the house to have a big thermal store to provide hot water for the family. When the weather is warm and sunny it heats the water and there is enough storage so there is still hot water left when the cold season comes. The house also has a separate 4kW room-sealed stove. (Passive house, 2020)

James collects rainwater that is then harvested and used for showers and toilets. He also has a waste-separation method that compost solid waste and sends liquid to be treated by a reed bed system, which supplied by Reed Beds Ireland.

In conclusion, hempcrete is a light material and is better than concrete. The hemp plant is used to manufacture building materials, insulation, clothes, animal beds, etc. The plant seeds can be used to manufacture healthy oils, moisturizers, paints, and many more amazing products.
It can also be used in any climate as long as when building with hempcrete the temperature is above 5 Celsius degrees. Hemp plan is also more sustainable than timber as the hemp plant takes only a couple of weeks to grow. Hempcrete is extremely sustainable material as it absorbs moisture to regulate humidity, avoids mould growth and it is a breathable material that reduces cost in construction. Hempcrete can also remove carbon dioxide from the air and trap it within walls of construction. This helps to reduce the impact on global warming.
Hempcrete is easy to produce and easy to install in construction. It can be used for installing the walls, roofs, and floors it can also be used to fix and repair the houses. Hemp is less harmful than other materials in construction as the material is made from plants and its breathable material that causes no harm and no illness.
Hempcrete is a good air quality insulation that helps to cut down on energy use. It can also be easily repaired or fixed if needed, there is no special training necessary as it is simple to alter.
