
So as you know for the last couple of months, I have been working on my Final Year Project. Back in November 2019, we got a brief that we will have to design a Nursing Home, although the brief and the location got to change, the project stayed the same. 
We went to visit Riverbrook Nursing Home & Respite Care in Limerick back in January of this year. We met the Client, we interview the head nurse to get more information. 
For this project, we had to design 9 Rooms: End of Life Room, Dining Room, Single and Double Bedrooms, Family Room, Activities Room, Smoking Room, and Reception Area. Looking back now it honestly feels that we got the brief last week. I can't believe how fast this year went I am sad and happy at the same time. 

My vision for this project was nature and colours from the very beginning, I did a lot of research on how does the colour effect us. 

Earlier this week I shared with you 3 Boards, they were for Dining Rooms, End of Life Room and Family Room, since then I changed few bits to improve the boards, today I will share with you the Final Boards. 

Here below I am presenting to you all the Dining Room Board, Family Room, and End of Life Room. All these boards are A1 as that was in the brief, it was completely up to us how we wanted to present them and what we wanted to put on them. 
