Farewell LIT

Happy Sunday!

I hope you all doing well.

So today I am writing my last ever Blog, (well not ever, but I mean for this year) I am very sad that I am done college, I wish I could say I was happy, well I am happy in a way, but I am sad that I didn't get to say goodbye to my lecturers, that I had no time to say goodbye to my friends and Limerick Insitute of Technology.

I just want to thank amazing lecturers that thought me so much for the last three years, thank you to LIT, and my amazing class friends that has been always there to support me.

Tomorrow I am submitting my FYP and to be honest, I am very happy with it ( I hope my lecturer is happy too 😄😄 )

I still have 2 Projects and an Open Book Exam left to do, oh and tomorrow I also need to make a Vidoe Presentation for Design Studio 3. ( Well we were asked to make a voice over, but I decided to do a Video Presentation instead, as that makes more sense in my head )

Thank you all for reading my Blogs, I hope you enjoy reading them, as much I did writing them 😋

Yours always,

