The importance of color in dementia

Hello everyone, 

So in my previous post I shared with you I shared a bit of the color in dementia, so in today's post, I will write a little bit more about it.
in this source, I learned that 840,000 people in Ireland and the UK are living with dementia.
Dementia causes difficulties with their sight + perception as a result of their condition & the natural aging process.

One may ask: How can color hell Alzheimer's patients?

1. Use prominent color contrast to add clarity to the environment, for example, the floor should be contrasted color to the chairs, the sinks should be contrasted to the walls, etc.
2. Use colors & patterns with low contrast to make exit doors recede into the background.
3.  Avoid patterned carpets, this could cause them to see as holes in the grounds. Instead, use block colors of floor highly ramps, etc.
4. Skirting boars, floors, stairs, and walls should be clearly visible and have a contrast with one another.
5. If the flooring in one room contrast the flooring in the other room this could be perceived as a change in floor level. Try to make sure that that the floors in the rooms going from to another are the same color.

There is also an interesting article on mood and color. Color can affect our mood and environment. For example
Red is a warm color, that would make the room appear smaller. This color would be used in cold rooms that are cool in temperature.  It is also a stimulating color that are used to increase brain wave activity.
Blue opposite to red is a cold color, it would make the room to feel bigger, and having a restful and calming effect. (Could be used in bedrooms, and quite areas)
Orange one may say reds cousin 😀. Also a warm color, orange is a very earthy color and often used in natural environments.
Green is associated with growth + life, it's an earthy color, it makes feel people feel calmer and more relaxed.
Yellow another color that is used to increase brain activity one of the best colors for Alzheimer's as it triggers cognitive function and memories.
