Interviews with nursing home carers

Hello Wednesday!

So as mentioned in my previous posts I've been doing primary research or care/nursing home to understand better. First I interviewed the student that is studying Social Care at Limerick Institute of Technology, and then I interviewed 3 carers that worked or currently works in nursing/ care home in Limerick and Clare counties.
The first career assistant I interviewed is Siobhan Neachtain. Her first caring job was in Sisters of Mercy convent. The building is all adapted as in special bathing rooms, and shower rooms. The nuns are all retired so ranger from 64 - 101.
She then worked doing home support and finally Waterman's lodge Killaloe a Dementia specific nursing home. A much more relaxed home feel to put clients at ease. A normal reception area bright and cheerful, then to the right a living room lots of natural light, a piano and TV, a high back chairs, little nests of tables to have tea, etc.
Always room for moving like dancing, or nonobstructed pathways to the toilet. With Alzheimer's the use of color is beneficial so cool calm, color light pink, beige, etc. For walls, vibrant colors for room doors is good and maybe a photo a familiar face helps, the kitchen was very much based on home-style classic country pines old style.
Tables arrange to allow wheelchair access and a nice comfortable space. Fully supplied kitchen all good healthy food, but alarmed push button exit doors for client safety (knives, ovens). The corridors are bright the center of the building had a rectangle outside garden with a bird table and little plants, lovely to look out or even garden tend to plants for more capable clients. In each bedroom a bed, visitor bed full wheelchair ensuite access. All bars for assistance and a Dani station for gloves, aprons, for care staff. A long cord alarm bell for assistance.
Siobhan also studied challenging behavior. It's like diffusing situations if one has Alzheimer's you see steps on the ground so the carer has to be aware also you try to leave doors open if you have move and when the person gets agitated try distracting them with music, photos, familiar stories ask about source, family always stay calm and do not correct even if story is wild just agree.
With mental health as an umbrella in Ireland there are groups to help to begin with children Tulsa is the family service. Bernardos offer a range of services too then for adolescents you have and Camhs both could do with more staff and funding. For adults needing mental help usually, cognitive therapy physiologists offer this if recommended by your GP  the HSE offers 10 free counseling sessions. If you are in need of psychiatric help the UHL has a unit known as 5B. There are daycare mental help hospitals around Limerick Street, Annes Roxboro road and Oakdale Raheen road. Of course, Samaritas run a 24 hours helo line. If the issue is addiction there are treatment centers dotted around Munster Sister Cosillioe in Bruree co. Limerick. Aishiree in Tipperary and Bushy Park in Ennis. My Mind in O'Connell Street Limerick offers all kinds of personal help. There is a 20 euro fee on welfare and 50 euro without.
All week and 24-hour help is available through AA NA and regular meetings. Focus Ireland has key workers to help home the homeless and social workers to guide people to the mental health services they need.

Rachel and Katelyn Lynch work in St Itas Newcastle co Limerick.
Every morning they wake up the patients, wash them, change bedsheets, whatever was on the list.
Feed them their food, because some can't feed themselves, some are on special diets if they refuse to eat their medication is put in their food.
Some patients are in special rooms, for example, an infection room so you would have to wear a specific gown going in there like yellow & you have to out in on & take it off in the room to prevent spreading infection. During the afternoon whatever patients wanted to the take to the day room they would take them, chat with them, sit, some days they have activities on like painting so they would help them paint, lunch and dinner have the same routine as breakfast, after that they would clean the dishes in the washroom, then they would have to do the waste which means sharp needes & things like that are out separately to general waste the same contaminated waste is separated to general waste.

I can't thank them enough for helping me to understand better how the nursing home works, for these interviews I picked the key elements that I thought were helpful and good.

Thank you all for reading my blog,
