Hello everyone,

Last few weeks I have been gathering information on nursing homes, I did some more in debt research on HIQA and its regulations.
I got this information from https://www.hiqa.ie/areas-we-work/standards-and-quality here.

" HIQA is an independent authority that exists to improve health & safety social care services for the people of Ireland. "

"The standards team sets national standards for health & social care services to:
-> Provide a common language to describe what high quality, safe, person-centered care looks like.
-> Create a basis for services to improve the quality & safety of care they deliver by identifying strengths & highlighting areas from improvement.
-> Assist people strengths & highlighting areas for improvement.
-> Promote practice that is up to date, effective & consistent."

HIQA's main goal is to meet as many residents and their family members, during the inspection they might talk to members of staff too to give better understanding how the place is being ruined. 

HIQA standard team sets national standards & develops guide dance for health & social care services.

