Gardening benefits for elderly


As previously mentioned in my previous blogs I came to learn that Gardening is really beneficial for seniors. Not even that gardening is good for physical but also mental health.

Gardening boots energy levels & promotes a good night's sleep, makes one happy by spending more time outdoors. It gives a reason to get up in the morning and provides a routine. It also keeps our minds fresh, gives a reason to get outdoors, it is also been learned that it reduces stress levels & promotes relaxation. 

Gardening can also help with dementia patients.
My whole project is based on mental health in nursing homes and how to help them. I think gardening would be super beneficial, because not even it would get the patients to get outside and get our of their rooms, but it could also bring the local community closer. As well as that it has environmental benefits too.

I also came across this website that I thought was interesting.

I also did some research on the benefits of pets for seniors & Senior playdates with children. I will share what I learned with you all in my next blog.
