Bathing Aids


While doing some research on nursing homes I came across Bathing Aids. Bathing Aids are used to help disabled people or seniors/ elderly to enjoy bathing and access the bathroom without having to encounter effort when getting in and out of the baths or showers.

Bath aids can be made custom for anyone in their need for example size, for those that require assistance when loving themselves into a bath, etc.

I also did some research on bath lifts, bath lift accessories, bath seats, bath boards, bath boards & seat accessories and bath steps. As well as that shower chairs & stools, wall mounted shower seats, shower commode chairs, commode accessories, bathing aids & accessories and grab rails/ support rails.
All these listed above are there to help elderly/disabled people. I will upload some images for ye to visualize it better.
In "my vision" for this project I have few ideas on how to help/ improve seniors well being, I think taking baths is very relaxing, and elderly people in nursing homes especially should be allowed to enjoy themselves with having that support.

This picture is an example of an elderly using a Bathing Aid kit.
