Riverbrook Nursing Home

Hello everyone, 

As mentioned in the previous post my class and I went to visit a site, Riverbrook Nursing Home Stradbally N, Castleconnell, Co. Limerick. Over the Christmas holidays, the location changed from Ennis Road Care come to Riverbrook Nursing home. 

We still don't have a brief, but the visit was very helpful we got to see the site the two buildings: the first one is a small nursing home with 25 rooms in and the second is an old building where the nuns used to live. Unfortunately, the building is now abanded, but the plan is to renovate the building into a nursing home ( I think? ) I asked the owner when he was showing us around, but like I said he wasn't sure himself yet. 

We met Denise McEvoy, the head nurse who is in charge of the nursing home, she told us that even though it is nice to have a small nursing home, there are some problems that they have the main one is the space, because there is so little space in the nursing home at the moment, often a lot of spaces have to be shared for example the documents should have their own space as well as the wheelchairs, etc. 
Denise also reminded us of how important building regulations are, that any time they can get a visit and to check and see if the nursing home is running safely and smoothly. I thought Denise was very helpful and very friendly, the atmosphere in the home was nice and calm. Like I said we are not sure what the brief is. We are still waiting for Sue to come back to us.  I will now share some pictures I took of the old building down bellow. 

I took these pictures just for myself to show ye all that the place looks like at the moment.
This picture I got from Google Images so you all could visualize it better the new and the old building next to each other. 

Thank you all for reading my blog, in the next blog I will share with interviews I did with you all, thank you all so much for reading my blog and have a good day. 
