Planning the next step


So in my previous post, I said that I will post some interviews I did, unfortunately, I left the notebook at home and I am in college right now so instead of sharing the interviews I will write in today's blog a small bit about the research I found online. 

So much has changed in the last 20-30 years in Ireland. Family units have changed more and more women are now working in different types of industries instead of minding childer and elderly family members at home, this has led to open or hire help to mind elderly family members with rent constantly going up and cost of living getting more expensive a lot of things has changed including opening more nursing and caring homes for elderly people. 

As ye know I am not from Ireland, I came here about 10-11 years ago, originally I am from Lithuania and for me nursing or caring home sounds a bit alien, I don't really understand how one can leave their parents or grandparents in a home, but that's just my opinion. However, after a lot of research, I did for this project I can say that well I didn't change my mind about putting your family in a home, but I feel more open about it if that makes sense?

For example, I would have heard stories that years ago there was a lot of abuse and violence against elderly patients, where now a lot of things has changed, there are a lot of new rules, regulations, visitors from health services, etc which makes me feel I guess more open about the whole process, I still wouldn't put any of my family in home, but that's just me. 
I have been looking at some examples of restoring the buildings in caring home in other countries that I will share pictures with ye down bellow. 

My main focus for the research is to find a good design that works really really and I could use it as an example and see why it works so well. Another big thing for me is mental health for the patients because personally, I think it is very important from the primary and secondary research I did. 

Like I said we still don't have the brief so it's difficult to set to do something when we are not too sure what we suppose to be doing. However, I feel good about this project I did a lot of research to helo me to understand better, there are a lot of regulations that we need to know and I still need to do some research on that, but I will do that once we get the brief.

This blog is just to look back and plan what I am going to do next, I think I covered a lot of information needed, of course, there is never enough that we can know or learn so, of course, I will keep on doing more research on mental health and building regulations. 

I will also share the interviews I did with the workers and students I did over the X-mas break. Like I said they were very helpful. Thank you so much for reading my blog, and I talk later!!
