Design Statement for W2W competition

Hello Friday!

I just realize that I didn't share the Desing Statment that I wrote for the W2W competition we had a couple weeks back.
I just thought it would be a nice thing to share it with you all, leave the comments below and let me know what you all think about it. In the meantime, I have been doing some more research on Age Friendly Ireland and senior patients. I will also interview two workers that are working in nursing homes in Limerick and Clare.

The design statement:
" The following design centers around the circular economy. The circular economy can be defined as a circular economy is an economic system aimed at eliminating waste and the continual use of resources. My design for my work desk is called d2p and the entirety of the design focus on the above mentioned circular economy premise. Each component of the desk has been sourced from reused or repurposed materials. Each company chosen has been selected from a host of companies the use reusable material. The design features a height-adjustable table that doubles as a ping pong table for exercise and entertainment in the workplace. The design will allow all sizes of people to work at a height of there comfort while also allowing for employees to gain some much needed stretching in the office. This idea stems from the constant issues related to bad posture in the office leading to back problems for employees, in a recent study sitting was described as the new smoking for the detrimental effects its having on people’s backs and shoulders. The d2p design will remove this issue from workplaces. Having said that the design itself is made up of reused wood that has been reclaimed and the steel frees are made from repurposed metal in to fit in with the theme of reducing waste and contributing to the circular economy. As well as this the design allows for the tables to be repaired easily if damage occurs again reducing the waste the office produces aiding the theme of a circular economy. With all this in mind the d2p design offers itself completely to the circular economy theory, it reduces production ware and employee waste improving the environment and improving the standards of the workplace for the staff using the product."

Thank you all so much for reading my blog, I hope you all have a good weekend. Bye!
