Final Presentation boards

Happy Monday !!

Hello everyone!
So finally I finished the boards for W2W competition. We had to present them today, I feel very happy with the boards, I will talk about them and upload them bellow.
I started this project by interviewing people that work in office space. This helped me a lot to understand what needs and problems they have. The main issue that kept reoccurring was the back and neck problems, from this I then knew that I wanted to design something with posture, I started looking at chairs and tables to help with one's posture, I did a lot of research on height adjustable desk that is now getting really popular among offices spaces.
Once I knew that I am designing a table I did more research about the health and stretching and this new trend where exercising in work are becoming really popular, I then knew that I want to design a table that gives someone an opportunity to stretch their muscles, that gives a break from work, and that is how I ended up with d2p desk. d2p desk is a height-adjustable, ping-pong and storage unit. Like I have mentioned in my previous posts I did a lot of research on this project, on Circular Economy, on height-adjustable desks, on pin-pong, on offices.
I will bellow show you the boards and speak a little bit about them. The first board is an A3 Board I designed. It is a Research board, I just basically wrote the information I found online and put some human scale "working on the desk". The second board is also an A3 Board, just showing the design process and explaining how I got from the starting point to the final design. The third A3 Board is just the more detailed board, showing the construction, I am also showing the hinges and the bolts that will be used. Finally, the last board is A1 the final board. There are elevations, plans, measurements, render and text explaining more of the final design. I am very proud of these boards, I put a lot of work and effort into them. Thank you so much for reading my blog, I will keep you all updated on my next project.

A3 Research Board

A3 Design Process Board

A3 Construction Board

A1 Final Design Board
