Next Step!

Hello Wednesday !! 

I hope you all having a wonderful Wednesday!😁

Like I've mentioned in my previous posts, I am working on Walls to Workstations project. After interviewing a couple of people that work in the office space.. All of them were complaining of sore back and neck. I came to the conclusion that I will do more research about posture and the harm that badly adjusted tables and seats do to us.

First thing I've learned that from sitting long hours the muscles get weak. It is recommended to regularly stretch or go for a walk. Unfortunately, we do not always have the time to do all that, speaking from my own experience working on projects in college I just forget to go for a walk or stretch for example.. I've been trying to think of solutions to how we can help our posture and our well-being.

I have been doing some research to learn more about posture and back problems that tables and chairs would cause.
While interweaving the person that works in Deloitte she actually suggested that I look into standing/adjustable tables that are getting popular among us.

There are some benefits of adjustable standing desks:
 - Preventing and reducing back problems.
Staying seated for long periods cause weight pressure on the spine.
- Preventing & reducing heart risk.
Muscles less active, they burn less fat.
- Increased Brain Activity.
Workers who alternate between sitting and standing positions will have more energy.
-Preventing & reducing poor circulation.
Regular movement adjust the amount of load being put on the body.
-Preventing and reducing muscle problems. 
If someone stays seated all day, their leg muscles and gluteus muscles will become inactive, this would cause reducing one's ability to sit up straight alternating between sitting and standing positions.  

I will do more research about adjustable height tables. And I will keep you all updated here, thank you so much for reading my Blog!
